Species and habitat conservation

Species and habitat conservation

The Öewersauer Nature Park is involved in a whole range of species conservation projects. The Biological Station Öewersauer Nature Park is responsible among others for the implementation of the species protection plans in question for the region, as provided for by the Luxembourg government in the National Nature Conservation Plan.

Worth mentioning for the territory of the nature park are for example the habitat protection plans for lowland meadows and heaths, and the species protection plans for the Midwife Toad, the Little Owl, the Great Grey Shrike, the Hazel Grouse and the Smooth Snake, as well as the species protection program “Combles et Clochers” to preserve the bats. For other species, European protection programs have been or are being set up (e.g. as part of the LIFE program). Examples include the LIFE otter project or a project to preserve the Common River Mussel.

Other projects


Het portaal “Deemools” van het natuurpark Öewersauer heeft als doel een schat aan herinneringen samen te stellen met verhalen van hedendaagse getuigen over alledaagse ervaringen in de geschiedenis van Luxemburg.

Sous nos pieds

Het natuurpark Öewersauer en het natuur- en geopark Mëllerdall zijn partners in het Interreg-project “Under our feet: preserving and enhancing the geological and industrial heritage of the Greater Region”.