
Commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge

08.09.2024 Wiltz: Commemoration of the Liberation, with photographic exhibition and church service 27-29.09.2024 Boulaide: Commemoration of the crash of the “Bouncing Betty” plane 13.10.2024 in every municipality: national commemorative ceremony […]

Waassersënneswee , Luxemburg

Natura 2000: Mindfulness Hike CANCELLED!

On this wonderful tour through the Natura 2000 area of the Upper Sûre, we want to slow down from everyday life through slow, mindful hiking. Small exercises invite us to […]

CoLab Campingstrooss 10, Wiltz

Workshop: Building a “wild bee nesting aid”

In this workshop, we want to build a wild bee nesting aid ("insect hotel") together and look at what needs to be considered in order to be successful. Unfortunately, not […]

Lakenfabriek 15, rue de Lultzhausen, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

generational felting workshop for Halloween

As part of the Halloween celebration, you can make ghosts, pumpkins, a witch's hat or other scary objects. In order to bring the different generations together, we organise generational workshops […]

Lakenfabriek 15, rue de Lultzhausen, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

generational felting workshop for Christmas

Christmas offers you inspiration to felt snowmen, Christmas ornaments, angels and much more. To promote the togetherness of different generations, we organise generational workshops that are for both children and […]

CoLab Campingstrooss 10, Wiltz

Repair Café in Wiltz

The Repair Café is about fixing broken things together, getting professional advice, meeting people and being inspired. What does it cost? A voluntary donation.

International wetlands day

On the annual International Wetlands Day, the Öewersauer and Haute-Sûre Forêt d'Anlier nature parks invite you to a great day out in the cross-border Ramsar conservation area. In addition to […]

Centre culturel Heiderscheid 34, Neiewee, Heiderscheid, Luxembourg

Repair Café in Heiderscheid

The Repair Café is about fixing broken things together, getting professional advice, meeting people and being inspired. What does it cost? A voluntary donation.

Lakenfabriek 15, rue de Lultzhausen, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

Generational workshop: Felting

In this workshop, you'll be able to give free rein to your imagination. Felting is a very versatile technique that allows you to create projects of all sizes, from seasonal […]

Theatersall Dol Nacherwee 13, Géisdref, Kanton Wolz, Luxembourg

Our Öewersauer Nature Park, our future: Let’s talk about it!

Workshop with the residents of the nature park In 2026, the Öewersauer Nature Park will be extended for a further 10 years. The municipality of Goesdorf has also extended its […]

Festsaal, Boulaide 3, rue de la Mairie, Boulaide, Luxemburg

Conference: ‘The return of the wolf: realism or utopia?’

A conference (in Luxembourgish) on ‘The return of the wolf: realism or utopia?’ by Dr Laurent Schley, Head of the Wildlife Management and Hunting Department of the Nature Agency.