
Vëlosummer: Uewersauer-Tour

The Uewersauer route is accessible from 27-28 July and starts at Goebelsmühle station. The highlights include the castle in Esch-Sauer and the reservoir in Lultzhausen. At 38 kilometres (out and back), the Uewersauer route is perfect for a family outing. This tour starts at Goebelsmühle station and runs alongside the Sûre river to the attractive […]

Place du Festival, Wiltz 35, rue du Château, Wiltz, Luxemburg

Maart a Musik

During a cosy evening, producers and hobbyists from the three nature parks present their handicraft and regional quality products. Live music with "Les Gavroches" More info to follow.

CoLab Campingstrooss 10, Wiltz

Do It Yourself Festival

A day of learning, discovery and sharing. Interactive workshops and information stands on the topics of sustainability and the circular economy. The Kreeslaf Schaf, our free shop is open, primarily school materials, but not exclusively. Bring your well-preserved (school) materials that you no longer need. Use the materials you need free of charge. Repair Café: […]