
International wetlands day

On the annual International Wetlands Day, the Öewersauer and Haute-Sûre Forêt d'Anlier nature parks invite you to a great day out in the cross-border Ramsar conservation area. In addition to […]

Centre culturel Heiderscheid Am Neie Wee, Géisdref, Kanton Wolz, Luxembourg

Repair Café in Heiderscheid

The Repair Café is about fixing broken things together, getting professional advice, meeting people and being inspired. What does it cost? A voluntary donation.

Naturparkzentrum 15, rue de Lultzhausen, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxemburg


"Fléizen" is an agricultural method of meadow flooding that is used to increase the productivity of mown meadows. Ditches are dug with a meadow axe to divert water from streams […]


Waasserfest will take place in the municipality of Goesdorf this year. To be more precise, we offer a day for the whole family, full of activities, workshops, information stands and […]

CoLab Campingstrooss 10, Wiltz

Repair Café in Wiltz

The Repair Café is about fixing broken things together, getting professional advice, meeting people and being inspired. What does it cost? A voluntary donation.

Hanshaff 3, am aale Wee, Bockholtz, Luxemburg

From the cow to the butter

Have you always wanted to know how butter is made? Then visit the stables with us and learn about the milk's journey, from feeding the animals to milking. Then we […]

educational farm ‘Am Heckewee’ Heckewee, Roullingen, Wiltz, Luxembourg

Everything to do with dairy cows

Have you always wanted to know how cream cheese is made? Then join us on a visit to the cowshed and learn about the milk's journey, from feeding the animals […]

Amphibian trail

Discover the nature park by water and on land. Take the solar-powered boat across the water and then hike 8 kilometres back to the start. Explore the region in the […]

CoLab Campingstrooss 10, Wiltz

Repair Café in Wiltz

The Repair Café is about fixing broken things together, getting professional advice, meeting people and being inspired. What does it cost? A voluntary donation.