Sous nos pieds

Sous nos pieds

The Öewersauer Nature Park and the Mëllerdall Nature & Geopark are partners in the Interreg project “Under our feet: preserving and enhancing the geological and industrial heritage of the Greater Region”. Whether quarry, gravel pit, mine or forge – such sites are not only symbolic features of these regional landscapes, but also refuges for flora and fauna and thus contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. Thanks to augmented reality, visitors can immerse themselves in historical events and interactively experience the antimony mine in Goesdorf, the forges in Fischbach and other slate pits or quarries (Luxembourg sandstone in Befort, quartzite in Berlé, etc.). In this way, new experiences are made possible and this cultural heritage can be discovered in a completely new way.

Link to the INTERREG Grande Region website

Other projects

The aim of the “Deemools” contemporary witness portal of the Öewersauer Nature Park is to compile a treasure trove of memories with stories from contemporary witnesses about everyday experiences in Luxembourg’s history.