

Children are tomorrow´s decision-makers and persons in charge! In order to encourage the upcoming generations to adopt an environmentally-aware and more sustainable lifestyle, the Nature Park aims to give children an opportunity from an early age to discover, experience and understand their environment and the characteristics of their region.

The project originated in 2012 with the founding of the “Naturparkschoul” (nature park school). Topics of relevance to nature and sustainability were integrated on a regular basis into the schools’ teaching practice, in cooperation with the Nature Administration, the Öewersauer Nature Park and the region’s schools. The LEADER project, which was launched in 2018, starts at exactly this point. The “Naturparkschoul” is being extended to the two LEADER regions Éislek and Mëllerdall, in cooperation with the Mëllerdall and Our Nature Parks.

The project’s objective is to implement the national strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at the regional level. Different teaching formats are developed and established in teaching practice, taking into account topics relevant to nature parks, in cooperation with the teaching staff of the primary schools in the regions.

Other projects

The aim of the “Deemools” contemporary witness portal of the Öewersauer Nature Park is to compile a treasure trove of memories with stories from contemporary witnesses about everyday experiences in Luxembourg’s history.

Sous nos pieds

The Öewersauer Nature Park and the Mëllerdall Nature & Geopark are partners in the Interreg project “Under our feet: preserving and enhancing the geological and industrial heritage of the Greater Region”.