

Together with Klima-Agence, an independent contact point for information, education and consulting in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable energies, the Nature Park municipalities have for years been providing their citizens with a free professional energy advisory service.

The regional bureau Klima-Agence gives everyone an opportunity to discuss individual matters relating to energy efficiency and use of renewable energies with an energy consultant in a free initial consultation.

Arrange your free consultation appointment at your home via the free Klima-Agence telephone hotline: 8002 11 90. The free consultation offers you:

  1. a free initial consultation at your home
  2. neutral information on services and products offered by the market
  3. explanations of the advantages and disadvantages of potential measures
  4. information on how you can optimize the energy efficiency and cost of your project
  5. information on using renewable energies, government subsidy programmes and the energy pass
  6. tips on saving energy in everyday life

Other projects


The aim of the “Deemools” contemporary witness portal of the Öewersauer Nature Park is to compile a treasure trove of memories with stories from contemporary witnesses about everyday experiences in Luxembourg’s history.

Sous nos pieds

The Öewersauer Nature Park and the Mëllerdall Nature & Geopark are partners in the Interreg project “Under our feet: preserving and enhancing the geological and industrial heritage of the Greater Region”.