In 2015, the three partners SEBES, Öewersauer Nature Park and the region’s farmers established the “Landwirtschaflech Kooperatioun Uewersauer” (LAKU or Upper Sûre Agricultural Cooperation). The common aim is to achieve watercourse-compatible agricultural use of land involving no economic disadvantages. Practical relevance and acceptance by colleagues were ensured by co-opting four of the region’s farmers onto the Executive Board, a move that was voted by the General Meeting. Furthermore, two representatives of SEBES and two representatives of the Nature Park are also members of the Executive Board. The activities, which are reflected in the annual programme of measures, are aimed at making progress at various levels towards a form of agriculture that is compatible with water conservation. The insights and the associated sensitization of, and innovative progress made by, farms are achieved through, for example, field trials of intercropping, soil compaction or herbicide-free weed management, but also through numerous field surveys and further-training events. Practical implementation of this forward-looking agriculture is made possible by the technical measures, among others. The aim here is to shield farmers from the additional costs of, for example, mechanical weed control by using the harrow or hoeing equipment.


All information can be found on the LAKU website.

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Other projects

The aim of the “Deemools” contemporary witness portal of the Öewersauer Nature Park is to compile a treasure trove of memories with stories from contemporary witnesses about everyday experiences in Luxembourg’s history.

Sous nos pieds

The Öewersauer Nature Park and the Mëllerdall Nature & Geopark are partners in the Interreg project “Under our feet: preserving and enhancing the geological and industrial heritage of the Greater Region”.