
Cloth Factory 15, rue de Lultzhausen, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

“Hand in Hand” Textile art exhibition

Hands give, take, ask, pray, speak, show, greet, care for, pamper. They are gentle, but can also be violent. Hands can be artistically designed and create art themselves. On display […]

As explorer on research tour in the Nature Park

Well equipped with the explorer vests, children are ready for an adventure in nature. Provided with all important excursion materials, the children are encouraged to explore and discover nature independently […]

Vëlosummer: Uewersauer-Tour

The Uewersauer route is accessible from 27-28 July and starts at Goebelsmühle station. The highlights include the castle in Esch-Sauer and the reservoir in Lultzhausen. At 38 kilometres (out and […]

Knapphaff 55, Duerfstrooss, Wiltz, Luxemburg

Family activity: Pollinators on the farm

What do insects have to do with agriculture? A lot! The pollination service provided by insects for agriculture is estimated to be worth between 100 and 200 billion euros per […]

Place du Festival, Wiltz 35, rue du Château, Wiltz, Luxemburg

Maart a Musik

During a cosy evening, producers and hobbyists from the three nature parks present their handicraft and regional quality products. Live music with "Les Gavroches" More info to follow.

Cloth Factory 15, rue de Lultzhausen, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

Textile workshop: Free design of a textile object

A textile workshop with the artist Reiny Rizzi-Gruhlke is taking place as part of the "Hand in Hand" exhibition. The artistic inspiration for this is the creative hand that creates […]

Commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge

08.09.2024 Wiltz: Commemoration of the Liberation, with photographic exhibition and church service 27-29.09.2024 Boulaide: Commemoration of the crash of the "Bouncing Betty" plane 13.10.2024 in every municipality: national commemorative ceremony […]

Guided ranger hike for children

Children and parents can join our nature park ranger Tom on a +/- 3 km long journey of discovery. During the short hike, the children will receive explanations and visual […]

CoLab Campingstrooss 10, Wiltz

Do It Yourself Festival

A day of learning, discovery and sharing. Interactive workshops and information stands on the topics of sustainability and the circular economy. The Kreeslaf Schaf, our free shop is open, primarily […]

Waassersënneswee , Luxemburg

Natura 2000: Mindfulness Hike CANCELLED!

On this wonderful tour through the Natura 2000 area of the Upper Sûre, we want to slow down from everyday life through slow, mindful hiking. Small exercises invite us to […]

CoLab Campingstrooss 10, Wiltz

Workshop: Building a “wild bee nesting aid”

In this workshop, we want to build a wild bee nesting aid ("insect hotel") together and look at what needs to be considered in order to be successful. Unfortunately, not […]

Cloth Factory 15, rue de Lultzhausen, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

generational felting workshop for Halloween

As part of the Halloween celebration, you can make ghosts, pumpkins, a witch's hat or other scary objects. In order to bring the different generations together, we organise generational workshops […]

Cloth Factory 15, rue de Lultzhausen, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

generational felting workshop for Christmas

Christmas offers you inspiration to felt snowmen, Christmas ornaments, angels and much more. To promote the togetherness of different generations, we organise generational workshops that are for both children and […]