

Waasserfest will take place in the municipality of Goesdorf this year. To be more precise, we offer a day for the whole family, full of activities, workshops, information stands and much more. All the activities revolve around the element of water! More information will follow.

Hanshaff 3, am aale Wee, Bockholtz, Luxemburg

From the cow to the butter

Have you always wanted to know how butter is made? Then visit the stables with us and learn about the milk's journey, from feeding the animals to milking. Then we will make butter in the traditional way, which will be refined with fresh herbs from the garden and then we will taste it. More surprises […]

educational farm ‘Am Heckewee’ Heckewee, Roullingen, Wiltz, Luxembourg

Everything to do with dairy cows

Have you always wanted to know how cream cheese is made? Then join us on a visit to the cowshed and learn about the milk's journey, from feeding the animals to milking. We then make fresh cheese in the traditional way, which is flavoured with fresh herbs from the garden and then tasted. Other surprises […]